Town and Parish Council Elections
The local Town Council Elections took place on 6 May 2021. Unfortunately, insufficient candidates stood to force an election in both the new wards and the council now has seven vacancies. We are working on a strategy to try to attract and recruit new people to ensure the council represents all its community.
New Mayor and Deputy Mayor
During the Annual Council meeting on Thursday 20 May 2021 Councillor Steve Benney was successfully confirmed as Hayle Town Mayor and Councillor Anne-Marie Rance as Hayle Deputy Mayor for the forthcoming year.
Temporary Meeting Arrangements
In line with recent legislation, town council meetings can no longer be held online or remotely and councillors, officers, guest speakers and members of the public, when possible, are expected to attend a physical meeting. Temporarily meetings will be taking place at Hayle Day Care Centre and numbers will be limited, so please book a seat prior to the meeting if you wish to attend. All attendees will be asked to wear masks, respect social distancing, bring their own pens, notepads, laptops etc. Refreshments will not be available. All details will be included on the agenda for all meetings which are generally published at five or six days ahead of a meeting on the town council website, Facebook pages and the parish noticeboards.
Hayle Open Air Swimming Pool
The Swimming Pool opened again on 19 June 2021, and weather and Covid -19 permitting will remain open until Sunday 26 September 2021. The pool will operate on a similar basis as last year. Tickets can be booked online on the town council website and, if there is space, available tickets can be paid for by card (no cash) at the gate at the start of each session. There will be three sessions per day and numbers will be limited, at least initially, in line with government guidelines. We ask that swimmers come swim ready as initially the changing room and showers will not be available. There will be no season tickets or residents tickets this year. To mitigate, tickets are priced at £3, as last year. Keep an eye on the pool’s Facebook page and the town council website for updates.
New CCTV Camera for Penpol Avenue
An additional CCTV camera has recently been installed in Penpol Avenue to directly address some of the ongoing anti-social behaviour that occurs in Ellis Park It is linked to town’s CCTV network, records 24 hours a day and is proactively monitored by Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service during core and peak periods. The town council has proactively worked with Cornwall Council, who own and manage the park, and the local Neighbourhood Police Team to try to reduce the instances of the behaviour and vandalism in this area.
Tour of Britain
The Tour of Britain will be passing through Hayle on Sunday 5 September 2021, although there will be other races and events around this date. The council’s small maintenance team and Hayle in Bloom, all volunteers, are busy trying to make the town look as appealing as possible which will undoubtedly be of benefit to and enjoyed by residents, visitors and local businesses alike.Hayle Town Council
Hayle Community Centre 58 Queensway Hayle TR27 4NX
01736 755005
Office hours 9.30am – 12.30 p.m.