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Autumn Council updates!

Town and Parish Council Elections

Following the resignation of one of the newest members due to personal commitments, an election will shortly take place to fill the current vacancies in the council wards. As long as you are eighteen or over you can become a town councillor, which is a voluntary role. If you have a few hours a week to give to your town, please consider standing for election. Having people of different ages and from a variety of backgrounds can lead to more informed decisions, which are based on real life experience and it ensures that the Council better reflects their local community. The role of Towns and Parish Councils is growing. As a result of devolution, they have more powers and can consider preserving and taking on more services from Cornwall Council. You would be involved in making important decisions which directly benefit your town.

Look out for more information on becoming a councillor on our website and facebook page or contact the council offices direct.

Relocation Project

A two-day presentation was held by members of the council at the Library in August, inviting comments and suggestions from the local community on the plan to relocate the town council offices from the Community Centre to an improved, combined facility at the Library. This was very well received and councillors were pleased to have the opportunity be able to discuss this exciting project face to face with their electorate. Details of the proposals are still available to view on the town council’s website.

Hayle Open Air Swimming Pool

The summer season is drawing to a close and the pool will be closing on 11 September. We have been pleased with the overall positive response to the new booking system and timed sessions which were implemented last year to mitigate risk from Covid-19. Despite some staff shortages due to self-isolating requirements, this has turned out to be one of our most successful seasons yet. We hope you all enjoyed it too.

Remembrance Sunday

The town council has agreed to take on the management of the Remembrance Sunday Parade and the service at the war memorial, with Hayle Royal British Legion’s support. Nearer the time full details confirming arrangements will be publicised on the local social media pages as well as on our website.

Hayle Town Council

Hayle Community Centre

58 Queensway


TR27 4NX

01736 755005

Office hours 9.30am – 12.30 p.m.


Curnows Hayle Magazine

07778 215659

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